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about us & staff 


St. Andrew’s United Church (Westwood) & Norwood United Church are distinct congregations of The United Church of Canada which:

​-form The Norwood-Westwood Pastoral Charge

-share a full-time Ordained Minister and part-time Administrative Assistant

-co-operate and seek to be mutually supportive

In non-Covid times, the congregations have

​-served free Community Suppers year round, on the last Sunday of the month

-hosted the Annual “Strawberry Supper” (on the 3rd Wednesday in June) 

​-observed a month of Sabbath in July, and combine for services during August

​​-combined for worship (Sunday after Christmas, Good Friday, Easter Sunrise, Annual Picnic, and Church Anniversaries etc.)

Our congregations continue to be organized with a "Session" (Elders) which, with the Minister, oversees worship and related areas, and a "Board of Stewards" which oversees finances and maintaining our fine church buildings and property.  The Pastoral Charge Official Board generally meets spring/autumn or when necessary to oversee matters that affect both congregations.   Occasionally, a joint meeting of the Sessions is convened to consider matters under consideration by the whole United Church, i.e., "remits."


(for more about us click here)


our staff

​The Norwood-Westwood Pastoral Charge



Rev Lynn Watson


Administrative Assistant

Deanna Archer


​St. Andrew’s United Church (Westwood) (click here)

An Affirming Ministry within the United Church

established 1833


Interim Organist & Choir Director

Margaret Dawson & Samantha Varty



-monthly volunteers-


Norwood United Church (click here)

established 1836


Organist & Choir Director

Kerstin Walsh


Children & Youth Ministries Coordinator




Bill Scott











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